baby incubatorNecrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) baby formula lawyers are currently taking cases for families whose loved ones were born premature and given Enfamil, Similac or another brand of cow’s milk-based formula, only to develop this potentially life-threatening condition.

If your baby developed necrotizing enterocolitis and is experiencing life-long effects, you may be eligible to receive compensation for your medical expenses.

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Going back to the early 1990s, research shows that premature infants – often with vulnerable and underdeveloped digestive systems – are more likely to develop NEC when given a cow’s milk-based formula. Leading manufacturers, including Abbott Laboratories, Mead Johnson and Gerber, have been aware of these findings for years, yet made no motion to update the ingredients or add a warning label.
In certain cases, these manufacturers marketed their products as a superior alternative to breast milk, influencing the care some neonatal professionals provide.

Products involved in the NEC baby formula lawsuit include:

  • Similac Special Care
  • Similac Special Care High Protein
  • Similac Human Milk Fortifier
  • Similac Neosure
  • Similac Alimentum
  • Enfamil Human Milk Fortifier
  • Enfamil Enfacare Powder
  • Other cow’s milk-based formulas for premature infants

More recent studies have established a link between the development of necrotizing enterocolitis in premature infants given a cow’s milk-based baby formula. In response, children who have grown up experiencing related complications or parents who lived through this difficult ordeal, only to lose a child, have started filing lawsuits against manufacturers concerning their negligent, life-threatening practices.

Do I Qualify For an NEC Baby Formula Lawsuit?

Those more susceptible to developing necrotizing enterocolitis after being fed Similac, Enfamil or another cow’s milk-based baby formula include:

  • Premature babies born before the 37th week of pregnancy
  • Infants receiving enteral nutrition via a feeding tube
  • Infants weighing under 5.5 pounds at birth
  • Children born at hospitals with limited access to breast milk or fortified plant-based formulas
  • Children born within the past 20 years, during which research established a link between NEC and cow’s milk formula given to premature babies

If your child was born premature, fed a cow’s milk-based formula and developed necrotizing enterocolitis, you may be eligible to participate in the NEC baby formula lawsuit.

Litigation Concerning Infant Formulas and NEC

Current NEC lawsuits pertaining to baby formula manufacturers Abbott, Mead Johnson and Gerber. Plaintiffs allege these and other infant formula manufacturers ignored multiple warnings from scientific research and continued to manufacture their products. They also heavily marketed these formulas to hospitals as nutritional solutions for preterm babies, superior to breast milk.

In previous NEC lawsuits, plaintiffs alleged hospitals and doctors knew of these risks yet continued to give premature infants a cow’s milk-based formula, only for the child to develop necrotizing enterocolitis. In select cases, plaintiffs alleged medical professionals ignored early symptoms of NEC, only to identify the life-threatening condition when it was too late.

Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) Resources for Parents

Close Up of an Infant


The American Academy of Family Physicians is a nonprofit organization that provides medical continuing education to physicians in the United States. The website offers articles written by physicians on topics about NEC.

Nemours Foundation, which contains health information for parents, for kids, and for teens. The article “About NEC” talks about what it is, signs of the condition, diagnosis of the condition, treatment options and more.

This article “Necrotizing Enterocolitis” external link offers a succinct but detailed review of the sickness.

MedlinePlus, a service of the NLM, also provides an article on NEC.


The Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) is a professional, scholarly organization that strives to improve maternal-fetal health care. It aims to instruct physicians in both the science and practice of obstetric care. It accomplishes its goal by organizing courses, conferences, print materials (such as this journal), and webinars in order educate physicians in the latest scientific findings and practice of obstetric care.


The NICHD-supported NRN, funded by the Pregnancy and Perinatology Branch, is a network of academic centers that combines efforts to study premature birth. The Network draws on an international pool of expertise in neonatal research. These studies are supported by NIH grants awarded to investigators at more than 90 universities and medical schools across the nation, including the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is a professional association with over 60,000 members in the United States. It publishes many pediatric resources, including clinical reports and policy statements.

The AAP provides its information to health care decision makers via several different mediums. Its website contains items like policy statements, webinars free for all users.

Similac and Enfamil Causing NEC

a baby bottle and a child in the background

There are Similac NEC lawsuits now in litigation that allege that the product causes necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and that the company knew of the problem which it then covered up rather than warn consumers of the risks.

The lawsuits allege that the formula is defective and dangerous for babies because it had three separate pathogens of bacteria including one of the most serious types (bacteria of Streptococcus) which then attacks the baby’s bloodstream.


The intestine of an infant becomes damaged causing holes to open in their intestinal walls due to bacteria. The damage to the intestine is caused by the baby’s immature immune system which has difficulty fighting off these bacterial invasions that stem from formula or milk allergies, exposure to viruses and unsanitary bottles. Solid foods are introduced too soon into an infant’s diet also contribute to NEC.

The claim is that the company failed to put proper sterilization measures in place against the bacteria as if this had been done, they could have prevented the type of disease NEC.

Necrotizing Enterocolitis is a serious bowel infection that occurs most often in premature babies and can cause lasting damage or even death. Symptoms include pale skin, loss of appetite and lethargy.

Scientific evidence shows that a number of bacteria have been found in the formula including a bacterium known as Enterobacter which has been linked to NEC. The company must have been aware of this because it issued a recall on its product, according to consumer advocates.


According to the CDC, about 8% of infants are born prematurely. When they are born prior to 37 weeks gestation they have an increased risk for NEC. About 25% of these will develop late-onset NEC which occurs when a baby is full-term or older than 34 weeks. For this reason, doctors recommend that only breast milk be given to a baby for the first six months.


Early symptoms of NEC include lethargy, loss of appetite and pale skin. As the disease progresses babies become very ill with fever and vomiting as well as decreased movement or responsiveness to stimuli. Symptoms can also include blood draining from the nose or bowel perforations which are very serious complications.


For details on the FDA’s warning and other problems with New Enfamil and Prosobee, see: Bogus and Harmful Formulas Facing Litigation — Mead Johnson & Company, which is part of a larger article at: Lawsuits Against Formula Makers — The Big Liquidation. For a detailed analysis of the FDA warning and the reasons why Mead Johnson would have taken this action, see: Mead Johnson Drops Enfamil AR.


Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a serious intestinal disorder that afflicts premature babies. About 7 out of every 1,000 infants are affected by NEC.

What can you do to help? If you have had a baby in the past ten years, please post your experiences with Baby Formula in the appropriate forum on Message Board.


Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) is a deadly disease that causes tissue to die. The lawsuit contends that the plaintiff’s child suffered from NEC as a result of the dangerous and defective Similac Advance Early Shield Powder infant formula product.


Mead Johnson Nutrition Company, New Brunswick, NJ, has agreed to settle about 80 lawsuits involving claims by parents that their babies suffered from necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a sometimes deadly intestinal disorder, because of certain characteristics of Mead Johnson’s new Enfamil Newborn powdered infant formula.

In addition to the settlement amount, Mead Johnson also has agreed to spend up to an additional $10 million for medical monitoring and research regarding NEC.