Garden City Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

If you were injured in a Garden City, NY, motorcycle accident caused by a careless or reckless driver, we are here for you. We will hold them accountable and recover compensation for your damages.

A Garden City personal injury lawyer at Trantolo & Trantolo, LLC, can help you seek and secure compensation for your medical bills, lost income, and other losses. Our team of Long Island attorneys has been fighting for the rights of injured victims since 1938. Contact us today for a free consultation and to learn more.

Our Garden City Accident Attorneys Handle Many Types of Motorcycle Crash Cases

At Trantolo & Trantolo, LLC, we understand the most common causes of motorcycle accidents on Long Island. We know the effects a negligent driver can have on your daily life and the pain and suffering they can cause. We fight for justice after Garden City motorcycle accidents, helping our clients recover physically and financially.

Some of the common ways negligence can cause a motorcycle accident include:

  • Failure to yield when turning left across lanes of traffic
  • Failure to obey traffic signals and signs
  • Following too closely, especially on surface streets or in heavy traffic
  • Failure to clear an adjacent lane before merging or moving over

In general, negligence is the cause of most motorcycle accidents in Garden City. To hold a negligent driver accountable, we must document what happened and gather evidence to show liability. There are four elements of negligence:

  • Duty of Care: Drivers owe motorcyclists a duty to follow all traffic laws and drive with caution.
  • Breach of Duty: Violating traffic laws is the most common way to breach the duty of care owed to motorcyclists.
  • Causation: When a driver breaches their duty of care, it could cause a collision.
  • Harm: When a collision occurs, the motorcyclist is at high risk of physical, emotional, and financial harm.

Our attorneys have the time, money, and resources to investigate these accidents, identify the liable party, and build a case against them. These investigations require knowledge, experience, and a network of experts we can call on to help us understand our client’s injuries, future care costs, and other details of the case.

Our Garden City, NY, Lawyers Know the Common Injuries and Damages Suffered in These Crashes

All too often, a careless driver causes a motorcycle accident that has life-altering effects on the motorcyclist. This could include catastrophic injuries that leave them requiring life-long support, monitoring, or even inpatient care. Examples include:

  • Spinal cord injuries and other back and neck injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries, head injuries, and concussions
  • Limb loss, including traumatic amputation
  • Severe burns and scarring, often from road rash
  • Internal bleeding and organ damage
  • Severe lacerations
  • Crush injuries
  • Significant fractures

Many of our clients receive care at NYU Langone Hospital—Long Island, a Level I trauma center. This facility is the only trauma center in Nassau County with full adult and pediatric capabilities and is just minutes from Garden City.

When a motorcyclist is hurt and requires medical care, they should not have to pay for their care and other resulting expenses when they did nothing to cause the crash. Instead, our team works to hold the at-fault driver responsible for their treatment, future care costs, lost income, pain and suffering, and other related expenses.

What Do I Need to Do If My Family Member Died From Their Garden City Injuries?

Our Garden City wrongful death attorneys know how these laws work in New York and handle Long Island fatal injury accidents regularly. Under EPTL § 5-4.1, only the victim’s personal representative can file a state wrongful death lawsuit in New York State.

If this is you, or if you are not sure who the personal representative is in your loved one’s death, contact us today. Our team can assess your case and offer advice about your next steps. We can often recover fair compensation for spouses, children, and/or parents of those who died from Long Island motorcycle accident injuries.



Choose Our Attorneys From Trantolo & Trantolo, LLC to Handle Your Garden City Motorcycle Accident Case

At Trantolo & Trantolo, LLC, our lawyers have the knowledge, experience, resources, and reputation to handle any Long Island motorcycle accident case. We take on complex and challenging cases and fight for the rights and best interests of our clients. We have been representing victims hurt in motorcycle accidents for more than 85  years.

Our lawyers help you recover compensation for your medical care, lost income, pain and suffering, and other losses. We will not settle for less money than you deserve for your current and future damages and prepare every case to take to court if necessary.

When you hire us, you become a part of our family. We treat you like we would a loved one, providing personalized attention, support, and case management. You can contact our team any time of day or night if you have any questions or concerns.

Through the years, we have recovered millions for injured parties in Garden City and elsewhere on Long Island. A few recent motorcycle settlements and verdicts include:

  • $3,500,000: Settlement for a client and his wife after he suffered serious injuries in a motorcycle crash caused by an area of defectively milled roadway
  • $3,000,000: Settlement for a client who was hit on his motorcycle by the driver of a large truck that failed to yield when turning left
  • $1,900,000: Settlement for a client after a truck turned left in front of her motorcycle
  • $1,700,000: Settlement for a motorcycle passenger who suffered serious injuries and lost her husband, the motorcycle driver, when a car turned left in front of them
  • $1,500,000: Settlement for a client who lives with long-term injuries because his motorcycle collided with a driver who turned left in front of him

Our lawyers represent injured clients in Garden City based on contingency. We do not ask them to pay unless we win their case and recover compensation. Our fees come only from the money we recover for them.

We also provide free initial case consultations. Contact us today to discuss your accident, injuries, and legal rights with our team. We can answer your questions and explain how we can help with your case.

How Our Garden City Motorcycle Collisions Attorneys Navigate These Cases

After eight decades of managing personal injury cases in New York, our attorneys understand the process required to build a compelling case, hold the liable party or parties accountable and recover fair compensation. We will navigate this process for you while you heal and rehabilitate.

From the day you hire our team, we will take the necessary steps to protect your rights. This includes:

  • Dealing with the liable party and insurance companies on your behalf
  • Working to document your full range of expenses and losses
  • Ensuring we understand the deadlines in your case

We also work to develop a convincing case by:

  • Interviewing eyewitnesses
  • Obtaining official documents
  • Reviewing any video of the crash
  • Working with experts on accident reconstruction, medical needs, and your future care

Using what we learned during our investigation, we will negotiate a fair settlement or litigate the case and ask the judge or jury to award a fair payout based on the facts of the case.

When Should I Call a Lawyer About My Garden City Injury Motorcycle Crash?

As soon as your injuries are stable and you are able to reach our team about your case, contact us. The earlier we can get started investigating what happened and preserving evidence, the better. We can also go to work managing the communication in your case, which safeguards your rights and prevents the insurance carrier from using your own words against you.

We often settle these cases without going to trial. Depending on the case plan we develop for you based on your case facts, we may or may not need to sue the at-fault driver or other liable party. However, we must act quickly to resolve the case or file a lawsuit before the deadline.

Under New York Civil Practice Laws & Rules § 214, most crash victims injured on a motorcycle have three years to file their lawsuit. The timeline in your case could give you more or less time. We will assess your deadline when we discuss your case.

Discuss Your Garden City Motorcycle Accident Case With Our Team

At Trantolo & Trantolo, LLC, you can get a free consultation with our knowledgeable team today. We provide an initial case review so you understand your rights and how our Garden City motorcycle accident lawyers can help you get justice.

Contact us today. We have someone who can take your call now.

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