How Common Are School Bus Accidents?

Parents were heartbroken by the Chattanooga, TN school bus accident in November 2016 that resulted in the deaths of six young children. When these terrible accidents occur, it makes us wonder just how common they are. Are our children safe riding on school buses? We explored the statistics to find out. School Bus Laws Did…

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The Dangers of LED Streetlights

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The Dangers of Black Friday Shopping

Holiday shopping can be expensive – who wouldn’t want a great deal on the perfect gifts? For more than 80 years, the term “Black Friday” has referred to the day after Thanksgiving in our country. Considered the official start to the holiday shopping season, Black Friday helps many retail stores emerge from the red and…

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5 Potential Dangers of Driverless Cars

More and more, we hear that driverless cars will become a reality in the near future. Advertisements tout how these vehicles will cut down on accidents and ultimately keep the roads safer, but as one fatal test drive from this past summer involving a self-driving Tesla shows, several dangers remain inherent in their functionality. Yet, industry…

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Exploring the Pros & Cons of Self-Driving Cars

Self-driving cars are the future of technology. Last week, an Uber company in Pittsburgh began testing their “autonomous taxi fleet” of self-driving vehicles. All maneuvers were handled by a computer, but Uber drivers were at the wheel in case of an emergency. Meanwhile, GM, Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Volvo, Audi, Ford and other companies have announced plans for their…

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