United in one goal: the best results for you
At Trantolo & Trantolo, we care about our clients on a personal level. When we take on a personal injury case, we understand that we are really helping a family in need. Every person working in our Connecticut and Long Island offices, from the receptionists to the support staff, has only one goal – to help you.
People choose to come to our law firm when they’ve been injured and need help because we have a strong reputation in the communities we serve for providing top-notch legal strategies and fierce tenacity in the courtroom, if the client’s best interests take us there. Our clients are going up against insurance companies with almost limitless legal budgets. These companies will resort to whatever tactics they can in order to win. That’s why you need Trantolo & Trantolo in your corner.
Our team of accident law specialist and personal injury lawyers are experts in every phase of your case: from planning and negotiation to trial preparation and litigation.
Meet Our Attorneys
Keith V. Trantolo
Owner/President -
Christopher Cramer
Senior Trial Attorney -
Robert J. Peragine
Senior Trial Attorney -
Dan Aiello
Senior Trial Attorney -
Adam J. Allegro
Trial Attorney -
Albert Carocci
Trial Attorney -
Blake Driscolli
Trial Attorney -
Paul Edwards
Trial Attorney -
Christopher Farrell
Associate Attorney -
Jim Fiore
Trial Attorney -
Eric Hoffman
Trial Attorney -
Dennis Kokenos
Trial Attorney -
Francesco P. Sandillo, IV
Associate Attorney -
Mike Snellings
Trial Attorney -
Taj Trantolo
Call (844) 999-9999 24/7 or fill out this form with questions regarding your case.